New Arrivals - just in time for Chinese New Year!
Dried Shiitake Mushrooms: Limited quantities, premium quality, air shipped from Puli, Taiwan!
For y’all Shittake Lovers, out of the four season, shittake mushrooms are usually grown the best during the Winter season near Chinese New Year. The Color is darker, the mushroom “meat” is thicker, and stronger aroma.
We currently have two sizes available -
1. “Small-Medium”: 60g - $10/pack & 155g for $24/pack
2. “Large-Medium”: 110g - $20/pack (also have bigger packs 300g & 600g in gift bags available, please PM for prices)
Hokkaido Kombumori Kombu: Natural Seaweed grown in Kombumori, Hokkaido. These seaweeds are darker in color with shineness, and soft in texture when you cook them. They are best in making broth, soup, braised. The longer you cook them, the better they taste. The white residue on the seaweeds are natural Mannitol - source of natural sweetness of the seaweeds. These white residue are formed during the “drying” process.
Cooking instruction: just do a quick rinse, do NOT scrub off the white residue! Cut them into the sizes you want then just add water and the ingredients you want to make the broth, soup (I.e. miso soup), braise them etc...
Price: 120g - $12/pack & 600g - $45/pack
台灣埔里香菇 - 限量、優良品質、空運來的台灣埔里冬菇!香菇一年四季最好吃又香的時候是冬天靠近農曆新年時。這時出產的香菇色澤較深、皮較厚、味較香!農歷新年快到了送人、自用兩相宜!
香菇目前有2種Size -
1. 小中試吃價:60公克 - $10/包 & 155公克 - $24/包
2. 大中試吃價:有小包裝試吃價 110公克$20/包 (也有大包裝300g / 600g 精美包裝宜送禮喔!)
北海道昆布森昆布 - 來自日本北海道昆布森的昆布,為天然海帶,顏色深沉光澤,肉質軟,做成湯頭鮮味可口。表面有明顯白色粉末為甘甜風味來源。耐熬煮,不因久煮而破壞原型。除了熬高湯,也適合做滷味、佃煮、煮湯(味增湯)等...
售價:120公克 - $12/包 & 600公克 - $45/袋