Last Minute Pickup/Delivery Info - 1/31 & No Pickup/Delivery on 2/1

Hello Everyone!
Time flies! Tomorrow is Chinese Mew Year’s eve🧧! How’s the prepping for the big feast for tomorrow night?
Sorry for the short notice, but we have last minute deliveries tomorrow to Toronto area. If friends from Markham, North York, Richmond Hill areas would also like to place order for tomorrow, we are accepting orders until tomorrow by 10:30am!
📍pickup at designated pickup locations (pickup fee for order $60 or more will be waved)
🚚 home deliveries (additional delivery fee applies, please pm for a quote before placing your order)
In addition, as Tuesday is first day of CNY🧧, we will stop pickup services in Markham, Richmond Hill, and North York and home delivery services. If you want to make appointment for curb side pickup in Milton, please pm us!
📣 Last but not least, DouDou will resume to our usual weekend pop up booth at Metro Square 🎉! Every Saturday from 11:30 - 2:30pm! We will also showcase our newly arrived products! Come visit us👋!!!!
Promotion :⚡️no pickup fees on all orders for pickup at Metro Square!
DouDou Vegetarian would like to express our gratitude of all the kind support from everyone! May you all have a happy, healthy, and prosperous new year🧧🐯!
很抱歉非常 last minute,豆豆素食明天臨時會跑一趟多倫多去送貨。如果有 Markham, Richmond Hill, North York 的朋友想訂貨,請私洽我們!到明早10:30am 以前都來的及喔!
📍定點取貨 (單筆消費🈵️$60免遞送費)
🚚送貨到府 (運送費另計)
🧧另外,因星期二為大年初一故暫停送貨/取貨ㄧ天,不好意思造成不便!🙏🧧 如果想來 Milton 取貨,可私密我們呦!
📣最後,好消息🎉!豆豆素食二月要回去大都會 (Metro Square) 擺攤啦!所以週六大都會取貨,不限金額免遞送費呦!歡迎大家多多利用!而且陸續有新貨到,歡迎來大都會逛逛我們的攤位喔!時間是每週六11:30am - 2:30pm! 👋
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